Tennessee AP Access for All

Lincoln County High School continues to strive to Create a Culture of College Prep & Career Readiness by now having access to FREE online advanced placement courses thanks to AP Access for ALL and the state of Tennesssee. Juniors and Seniors have until August 9, 2021, to contact Mrs. Lainie Harrison, Guidance Counselor, to register for these FREE online AP classes and assessments.
Why #APAccessforALL?
Earn college credit & skip introductory college classes.
Save money on tuition.
Build college skills + confidence.
Explore potential career paths.
Stand out to colleges.
Free AP Access Courses Include:
AP Art History
AP Biology
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science A
AP Environmental Science
AP Human Geography
AP Language and Composition
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Psychology
AP Statistics
AP US Government & Politics
AP US History
AP Literature and Composition